Kaiwhakangawari (Facilitator)

1 week ago

Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Qjumpers Full time

Supervision + Training + 4 weeks paid leaveKi Te Wheiao is a kaupapa Maori service based in Heretaunga/Hastings with 25 years of experience providing programs for tane in the Hawke's Bay Regional Prison.
Our mission statement reflects the facilitation of change for the tane so that they progress from the darkness of prison life to the light of being with their whanau.
We believe this can be achieved by developing connectivity to themselves, their whanau, hapu, and iwi.We are seeking a Kaiwhakangawari/Facilitator to join our Tenei Au wananga team.
The successful applicant will be responsible for the delivery of Te Ao Maori kaupapa to the tane.
While qualifications and experience in counselling facilitation would be an advantage, our main requirement is knowledge and experience of karakia, whakapapa, moteatea, korero purakau, and mahi toi which aims to address trauma and promote whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, and rangatiratanga with the tane.Applicants will be shortlisted and interviewed by a panel that will include at least one of our kaihautu/directors of Ki Te Wheiao.
Remuneration will be based primarily, but not exclusively, on Te Ao Maori knowledge, qualifications, and experience.
Clinical and cultural supervision is available for all staff.