Icu Registrar

5 days ago

Hamilton, New Zealand Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora Full time

**ICU Department**


**Full Time**

Applications are invited for Registrars looking to join the Critical Care team at Waikato Hospital for the 2025/2026 training year.

You will ideally have at least three years’ experience including some experience in ICU/Anaesthetics.

The Waikato Hospital Critical Care Unit is a vibrant and exciting place to work. The critical care department is made up of 16 intensive care beds and 12 HDU beds in a modern purpose built facility. New technology surrounds this department. Registrars work across the critical care looking after arguably the broadest range of patients in New Zealand. The patient population includes a large volume trauma centre, a neurosurgical ICU, cardiac surgery ICU, general adult ICU and limited paediatric ICU. Registrars are involved in transport across the Te Manawa Taki regional hospitals by helicopter, plane and road.

Waikato Hospital Critical care unit is ideal for those training in intensive care or who are considering this specialty as a future career and is backed by C24 accreditation from the College of Intensive Care Medicine and a supportive specialist and senior registrar staff. Weekly teaching involves specialists and registrars and bed side teaching is the norm including teaching in echocardiography.

Registrars are expected to work hard but will reap the rewards of experience with procedures and development of important decision making skills

If you are an overseas doctor would you please visit the Medical Council of New Zealand web site to ensure that your qualifications meet their criteria for registration to practice medicine in New Zealand.

***The direct link to their self-assessment page is:
You will need to complete the six questions to ascertain whether or not you are eligible for registration in NZ. If you do not have access to do the self-assessment test on-line you can contact the MCNZ by telephone: +64 4 384 7635.

Only those short listed will be contacted.

Reference form

Position Description Registrar ICU

**Closing date: 26 January 2025**


**_ Theme “People at Heart” - Te iwi Ngakaunui_**
- **Give and earn respect - Whakamana**:

- **Listen to me; talk to me - Whakarongo**:

- **Fair play - Mauri Pai**:

- **Growing the good - Whakapakari**:

- **Stronger together - Kotahitanga