Kaitakitaki Educator

5 days ago

Manawatu District ManawatuWanganui, New Zealand Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand Whanganui Full time

**Kaitakitaki - Educator**

**Te Hau Ranga Ora**

**Te Whatu Ora - Whanganui**

**Perm, full time (40 hours per week)**

Te Whatu Ora Whanganui is committed to increasing the diversity of our workforce, and actively focuses on employing and building a sustainable Māori workforce which supports our pro-equity commitment.

**Ngā Uarātanga | Our Values**
- **Aroha** - The value of love, respect, and empathy, demonstrating compassionate and non-judgemental relationships.
- **Kōtahitanga**:

- The value of unity and vision sharing where we demonstrate trust and collaboration.
- **Manaakitanga** - The value of respect, support and caring where we demonstrate doing our very best for others.
- **Tino Rangatiratanga** - The value of self-determination where we empower individual/whānau choice.

**Ko te kaupapa | About the role**
- “Kaua e rangiruatia te Hāpai o te hoe, e kore to tātou waka e ū ki uta”_
- Do not lift the paddle out of unison or our canoe will never reach the shore_

E te hunga e ngākaunui ana ki ngā kaupapa hauora, tēnā koutou katoa

Tēnei te reo karanga o Te Whatu Ora Hohipera ki Whanganui, i wātea tētehi tūranga i roto i Te Hau Ranga Ora hauora Māori. I karanga atu kia koutou I heahea ana ki te whakatinana I te kaupapa o whānau ora, Pae ora hoki i roto I to tātou Hohipera.

Titiro mai, pānui mai, tono mai

The team of Te Hau Ranga Ora are excited to offer this opportunity for an enthusiastic, confident, and passionate person who is committed to achieving equity in health outcomes aligned to the aspirations of Pae Ora for Māori patient's and whānau.

As part of Te Hau Ranga Ora - Māori Health Services this team member would be focussed on achieving equity of health outcomes for Māori with a commitment to whānau ora as fundamental philosophy here at Te Whatu Ora - Whanganui hospital

This Kaitakitaki Educator position is to:

- Advise and support leaders of Whanganui Hospital and Specialist Services to understand & strengthen the kaupapa of Pae Ora, whānau ora in practice and building culturally knowledgeable and responsive teams
- Ensure work practices maintain the mana of Te Hau Ranga Ora and uphold the values of Te Whatu Ora - Whanganui hospital.
- Role model the kaupapa of Whānau Ora and cultural practices from a Te Ao Māori perspective.

**Ko koe tēnei **| About you**

Ideally you will have experience in working across many sectors and established networks within our local community/iwi. You must have a demonstrated understanding of the philosophy of whānau centred care, have effective working relationships and will be proficient in te reo me ōna tikanga and whakawhanaungatanga. You will have proven ability to walk and work confidently across Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pakeha environments and within clinical settings.

**Ko wai mātou | Who are we**

Our vision is He Hāpori Ora - Thriving Communities, with our mission being 'to improve health and independence through a responsive and integrated health system'. We ensure health care places people and their whānau at the centre of everything we do with and for them. We support and empower individuals and whānau to determine their own wellbeing and are committed to working in authentic partnership with other health care providers, iwi, government, social and community agencies to build strong, resilient, connected people and whānau.

Whanganui is a great little progressive city with a friendly chilled vibe. Great café culture, schools and sporting opportunities with some of the best all year-round weather in the country. The rugged west coast beaches on your doorstep allow for all year surfing, fishing or just walking for miles. Skiing and hiking on mount Ruapehu just an hour up the road, Whanganui has all your bases covered for a family friendly lifestyle.

Whanganui's reputation for having some of the best value-for-money housing in New Zealand is another big-plus for many people settling in the city. With most suburbs only 15 minutes from the central business district or Whanganui Hospital residents don't have to compromise on location to make the most of their leisure time or afford a better property.

**Me pēhea te tono | How to apply**

**Rā Katinga | Applications close**
